"A girl should be two things- classy and fabulous"
-Coco Chanel
For 15 years I helped business owners tell their story through branding and social media. I served as COO of a branding agency servicing 3500 clients in 65 different countries while I was also Founder and CEO of a website/social media company that worked with clients from small business owners to Inc 5000 companies.
In 2020, yes in the midst of a global pandemic, I decided I needed “more.”
Not so much more on my plate... in fact, I needed less on my plate.! But I needed to be more fulfilled, find more outlets to be creative and create more joy, for myself and others.
Many, MANY, moons ago when I was little I’d spend every second I could creating tiny figurines made of clay. My mother still showcases them around her house to this day 😊

Fast forward a “few” years, and my love for statement earrings but need for a lightweight option brought me to polymer clay earrings.
My love for design and long lasting love for clay finally all made sense and I started designing and creating earrings for my first collection.
Collection sounds so official, doesn’t it? I’ve always wanted to have a “collection” ... Ok, so we’ll call it what it was, my first set of earrings I threw out there to see if others loved them as much as I did.
They did, and here we are.
I hope you find something you can’t live without.